Aquatic Habitat Conservancy

Our Mission

At Aquatic Habitat Conservancy, we are dedicated to the protection and preservation of aquatic habitats and their diverse species, with a special focus on fish, particularly killifish. Our mission is to safeguard all habitats from the impacts of climate change and human intervention. We aim to create underground sanctuaries around the world, ensuring the survival of entire ecosystems for future generations.

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Aquatic Habitat Conservancy

Why Underground?

Our innovative underground facilities, located 20 feet below the surface, offer a controlled environment to mimic natural conditions. Here, we can precisely manage light, heat, moisture, and other critical factors, making conservation both effective and sustainable. This approach allows us to protect a rich diversity of over 70 species, including 25 unique lizard species, alongside a myriad of plants, fishes, and other fauna.

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Aquatic Habitat Conservancy

Conservation Through Science

Led by our founder, James Phillips, a renowned geneticist and conservationist, we are at the forefront of genetic diversity research. Our work ensures the continued genetic health and vitality of the species under our care. We collaborate with global research institutions, contributing to vital conservation science.

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Aquatic Habitat Conservancy

Join Our Cause

We invite you to explore our world of conservation. Learn about our species, our underground habitats, and how we're combating the effects of climate change. Your involvement can make a real difference. Whether through donations, participating in our forums, or volunteering, your support fuels our mission.

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Aquatic Habitat Conservancy

Embark on a Journey

Discover more about our global facilities, including our upcoming ecological tours in South America and Africa. These tours not only raise awareness but also support local indigenous communities and further our conservation efforts.

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Aquatic Habitat Conservancy

Be a Part of Our Community

Stay connected with us! Join our open forums for lively discussions, updates on breeding successes, and opportunities to contribute to our cause. We value every voice in our journey towards a sustainable future.

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